You Are Not

You Are Not

You are not your mind.

You are not your body.

You are not your mask.

You are not your nature.

You are not your nurture.

You are not your imagination.

You are not your perceptions.

You are not your memories.

You are not your vanities.

You are not your dreams.

You are not your hopes.

You are not your values.

You are not your history.

You are not your language.

You are not your identity.

You are not your name.

You are not your ethnicity.

You are not your gender.

You are not your family.

You are not your tribe.

You are not your caste.

You are not your culture.

You are not your country.

You are not your religion.

You are not your work.

You are not your talents.

You are not your hobbies.

You are not your things.

You are not your successes.

You are not your failures.

You are not your desires.

You are not your fears.

You are not your ecstasies.

You are not your agonies.

You are not your time.

You are not your space.

You are not your world.

You are not your universe.

You are not your dimension.

You are not anything; you are not everything.

You are not … You are not … You are not … You are not …

But the awareness, the indivisibility, the mystery, permeating all … and none.


Breadcrumbs 2021